Phase 1 Desk Study Reports

& preliminary risk assessments for contaminated land and geoenvironmental studies

  1. To assist land purchase decisions;
  2. To provide financial institutions with information for lending decisions; and
  3. To provide information to support a planning application for a change of land use.
Phase 1 Desk Study Reports
The majority of our Phase 1 reports are prepared for planning, and to enable our clients to progress a change of land use cost effectively and safely.

An accurate, thorough Phase 1 Desk Study report helps get your planning application moving. It anticipates problems, speeds your project over the regulatory hurdles and forms the basis of a cost-effective site investigation strategy, if investigation is deemed to be required.

Tellus Geoconsult Ltd works with local and national developers, house builders, local authorities, architects, engineers and private individuals to gather the environmental and geotechnical information they need to plan and execute successful projects.

What you can expect
The study will include
  • Research into previous use and how the site interacts with its surroundings, gathered from sources such as historic records, Environment Agency scientific maps and Local Authority databases
  • A report from a site walkover undertaken by a highly experienced contaminated land professional to identify potential contamination sources, pathways and receptors, both on site and off.
  • A Conceptual Site Model, which demonstrates how the site will interact with its surroundings.
  • A preliminary risk assessment (PRA).
  • Conclusions and recommendations based on the above.