Materials Management Plans and Qualified Person Sign Off

Tellus Geoconsult LTD provides expert Materials Management Plans (MMPs) and Qualified Person sign-off to streamline material reuse and ensure regulatory compliance. Our services include:

  • Comprehensive MMP Preparation: Efficient management and reuse of materials on-site.
  • Qualified Person Sign-Off: Validates compliance and reduces regulatory challenges.
  • SWMP Services: Supports sustainable development and cost savings.
Expert Materials Management Plans (MMP) and Qualified Person Sign-Off
At Tellus Geoconsult LTD, we specialise in developing comprehensive Materials Management Plans (MMPs) that adhere to the CL:AIRE Code of Practice

Definition of Waste: Development Industry Code of Practice. Our services are designed to streamline your project by efficiently managing and reusing materials on-site, reducing regulatory burdens and costs associated with waste management.

Why Materials Management Plans are Essential
Materials Management Plans are crucial for ensuring compliance with waste management regulations while optimising material reuse on construction sites.

An MMP helps in managing soils and other materials effectively, contributing to sustainable construction practices. Here’s why our MMP services are invaluable:

  • Regulatory Compliance: MMPs ensure that your project aligns with the CL:AIRE Code of Practice, easing the regulatory process and reducing the need for environmental permits from the Environment Agency.
  • Cost Efficiency: By facilitating the reuse of materials, an MMP can lower project costs and minimise the financial impact of landfill taxes.
  • Project Acceleration: Effective materials management can expedite project timelines by streamlining the handling and use of on-site materials.
Qualified Person Sign-Off
Our team at Tellus Geoconsult LTD provides expert sign-off for your Materials Management Plan by a Qualified Person, as required under the CL Code of Practice.

This sign-off is essential for:

  • Validating Compliance: Ensures that your MMP meets all regulatory requirements and industry standards.
  • Reducing Regulatory Hurdles: Helps bypass complex regulatory challenges associated with site remediation and waste management.
  • Supporting Sustainable Practices: Contributes to the UK’s strategy for reusing brownfield land and promotes environmental sustainability.
Site Waste Management Plans (SWMP)

Though the Site Waste Management Plan (SWMP) regulations are being repealed, preparing an SWMP is still considered best practice for large construction and demolition projects. An SWMP helps manage waste effectively, contributing to cost savings and sustainable development. Tellus Geoconsult LTD offers pragmatic SWMP preparation services to enhance your project’s environmental and financial performance.

Why Choose Tellus Geoconsult LTD?

  • Expertise: We specialise in creating compliant Materials Management Plans (MMPs) and Qualified Person sign-offs.
  • Efficiency: Our services streamline materials management, reducing regulatory delays and speeding up your project.
  • Sustainability: We promote responsible material reuse and environmental sustainability in all our solutions.
  • Client Focus: Our tailored approach ensures clear communication and expert support throughout your project.
  • Reliability: Expect accurate reports and transparent service for smooth project execution.

Choose Tellus Geoconsult LTD for expert, efficient, and sustainable solutions. Contact us today.